Fierce on the Page Community:
Write Your Manifesto

Today, I see my writing and teaching identity like this:

Stories are the currency of life and business. The stories we tell have the power to shape thought, feelings, choices, and lives. I use the written word to help people fulfill goals, make discoveries, and expand their sense of possibility, so that we all can write better and live better.

I call this my writing manifesto. It’s a distillation of what I believe about writing, what I value, and why I write. In chapter 55 of Fierce on the Page, I offer some quick instructions for writing yours.

Now, I invite you to share your manifesto here—for all of the fierce writers and readers to see.
Declaring who you are as a writer is alchemical. Knowing where you’re headed and what makes your engine go can make you unstoppable.

I’d be honored to be your witness.

6 Comments on “Write Your Manifesto”

  1. My first draft:

    I use words to create beauty for myself and others, to express our shared human condition in a way that helps us on our journeys, and to more deeply experience my life.

  2. This is the unedited thought that sprung into my mind about writing:
    1. Writing is liberating and empowering.
    2. Writing makes me think about everything in a more structured, explorative manner.
    3. I would hope my writing will help make the world a better place, no matter how small my contribution.

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